Wednesday, June 16, 2010

(partial) packing list

my yin and i leave in just barely more than 24 hours, and time is, at present, limited. and while cosmologists agree with me on this point, it is also beside the point.

the point is that, in lieu of writing anything substantive, i've chosen to: 1) use lots of commas; 2) colons (semi and otherwise) ; and 3) my much-loved parentheticals in order to double-check my packing list (and play with a truly infuriating form, even for the author).

one used journal:

two new journals:

one copy Sans soleil:

one copy 2046:

six copies chapbook:

aforementioned books, newly mentioned books (Gabriel García Márquez's The Autumn of the Patriarch; Frederic Jameson's Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism; Swami Vishnudevananda's Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga; D.T. Suzuki's Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind; Jacques Lacan's Ecrits; Phillip Rosen's Change Mummified; and Yoga in the Modern World, edited by Mark Singleton and Jean Byrne), and one red t-shirt, spray painted with the letters "CCCP" circa 1995:


besides the obvious compulsion for books and punctuation, there is also one glaring absence – my iPod, which i ran through the washing machine this past Saturday.


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