Thursday, November 27, 2008

waking 1:30am Thanksgiving morning

from my journal, 1:30am, Thanksgiving morning:

i woke to the low groan of the revelers next door and the dull throb of my intestines, cold from a nightmare i can't remember and plagued by thoughts of a woman i was almost tired of waiting for.
i heard her voice in that low groan; i felt her in that dull throb.
i wondered why she hadn't answered the phone and what had kept me waiting so long.

i'm too old for these games; i do not need these insomnias.

and when i wake [tomorrow] i know that the moon will be new and missing, just like this feeling inside.


  1. When awakened into the sleep...
    Knowing the dream can be real.

  2. Who wrote the comment ablove dear Govinda?
