Sunday, November 9, 2008

untitled (accidentally)

i read my sister's life with envy. i boil endless quantities of water and drink bottomless cups of tea. i watch existential films by Woody Allen and listen to bands i've never heard of from sources i do not remember. i make impromptu man-dates and abstract essays on serialization and feminine narrative forms. i read other people's journals from 1975. i have one.five roommates and wonder if this night might see the breakdown.

how many pajama bottom afternoons does it take,
how many peeking bedroom mornings,
how many open window nights?

what do you do with a dead girl's mail?

1 comment:

  1. Do not envy me, brother.
    I breathe like a 75 year old man.
    And my hair is a mess.

    I envy you because you can remember words that I can't! And you can pronounce French names and Sanskrit lingo.
