Sunday, November 16, 2008

at this point any yogi will do

i'm staring at a fork, so i'm thinking about Yogi Berra, Yogi Bear, and Pramahansa Yogananda.

if Yogi was here, he would advise me to take it, but i'm not exactly certain what i would do with it once it was mine. for all i know it might end up in my eye, and i have a strong aversion to blindness.

if Yogi was here, he would be out looking for a pic-a-nic basket, and it is a beautiful day for a picnic. i walked across the bridge this morning just because i could, and the the cool morning air felt amazing after days of 80 degree weather and hours on top of hours spent in a dark box.

if Yogananda was here, i don't know what he would say or do.
i imagine he wouldn't say a word, but just sit quietly, and reflect back the truth i already know.

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