Tuesday, April 13, 2010

counting sheep (transcription and analysis of a dream)

dream of Killer of Sheep:

i live in one of the broken down lots in a ramshackle abandoned place that was once a squat. [my yin] is with me - too white faces in a sea of Black poverty. transients come and go. we've been tricked, lured into living here, brought under false pretenses. the place is so dilapidated that even the homeless are shocked that we live there, much less that we pay to live there. it won't stay warm and we bring in heater after heater. we're trying to solve a murder, trying to get out of this New Jersey cum Watts dystopia. this is - without doubt - one of the strngest dreams i've ever had in my life.


last night we screened Killer of Sheep, and although i saw it three years ago, last night something was different.

(was it really that long ago?
was it really that recent?)

reading Fanon, undoubtedly, helped set the stage;
what once seemed so disjoin

now looks like nothing less than a masterpiece, illustrating how the intersection of class and race scars the psyches of the men and women who serve as crosswalks and stopping guards.

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