Sunday, January 31, 2010

my life ≠ ballet

it's overcast, i'm listening to Peter Murphy, and the past three days have found me boxed into a theater with a dance company from Great Britain. if my life corresponded to their ballets, it might read like:

i picked a random card from a tarot deck this morning:

"Dropping the Past"

i watched my mind wander to the wondering of past nights. i've been having odd flashbacks of long car rides to Raleigh and dreams of calling a former lover. her answering machine picks up and tells me that although no more messages will be accepted, more than 100 people are sending good vibes.

i asked a Turkish woman:
"how many times have you heard this song?"

"twice a day for the past year."
"that's more than 700 times."

i did not ask:

what is the relationship between puppet and string?

Act 3: Blow Over

all this will blow over
these fragments of the past
i am to me
as Alice

is to Glass.

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