Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Honeymoon Day 1: Boynton to Atlanta

My yin and I left our apartment this morning before sunrise and have arrived in Atlanta ahead of our already ambitious schedule, averaging nearly 70 miles per hour in spite of stopping twice while still in the state of Florida. In fact, our speed may even rival that of the Ramayana's mythical flying monkey god Hanuman.

arty picture of Hanuman, who watches over our journey

So far there hasn't been much to see, which isn't surprising considering we already reside in the most picturesque part of Florida. Both my yin and my allergies began acting up somewhere in the northern part of the state, though I didn't get poisoned by a peanut like the last time. There were, however, mysterious fires:

Southern Georgia or northern Florida? Is there even a difference?

And numerous signs of local culture:


The honeymoon beard is also coming in nicely, but more slowly than I had hoped. My goal was to have something worth stroking (that came out weird) by Friday. I did manage to shave it last night without butchering it, though, which announces to the world that my facial hair is not a symptom of laziness, but rather an indication of moving towards a specific goal. Funny how shaving one's neck can communicate such both moral and psychological implications.

beard day 6

The pack for the car came out especially well, and we're able to access everything without trouble or confusion. We even managed to keep the sight lines clear, which seemed important considering the amount of time we'll be spending in the car over the next month.

the most important thing is in the front seat

Speaking of time, did I mention what good time we made? Yes, I did, but yesterday I heard a radio documentary on self-quantifiers. In honor of them, I present the following:

Miles: 611
Stops: 2
States: 2
Departure time: 5:59 am
Arrival time: 2:52 pm
Total travel time: 8 hours, 53 minutes
Average speed: 68mph

Anyway, we reached our destination well before Atlanta's infamous rush hour:

tonight's resting place

Tonight we plan on going out for Thai food with the cousins, and we've had time to catch up over the past couple of hours. We haven't seen Tony and Deborah since the wedding, and our visit last summer was far too short.

Cousin Deborah, our amazing host

Finally, I was able to pull out the camera and take some photos. I drove the whole way today, and after hours of staring at the blindingly bright white concrete interstate, I was ready to play with something more abstract, moodier, and most of all underexposed:

"My yin's tragic feet (experiments in underexposure)"

Next stop: Lawrence, Kansas...

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