Tuesday, July 28, 2009

list of symptoms

lack of sleep.
loss of words.
loss of appetite.
thoughts of rain.
poetic anesthesia.
feelings of sadness.
sentence fragments.
frequent meditation.
repetition of mantra.
overuse of repetition.
pushing slightly further.
inability to communicate.
decreased dream intervals.
experimentation with ritual.
decreased sensitivity to time.
syllabic repression of emotion.
increased dependence on form.
recurring thoughts of insomnia.
insomnia thoughts of recurrence.
increased sensitivity to hypnagogia.
circular orientation of thoughtforms.
inability to recognize Oedipal fixation.
withdrawal from friends and love ones.
occasional abortion of midday samadhi.
extended periods of occasional attempts.
obsessive experimentation with nostalgia.
increased consumption of media products.
rapid onset of dramatic temporary solitude.
occasional lapses in obligatory self-reflection.
inexplicable sensitivity to arbitrary past karma.
forced examination of self-defeating tendencies.
fear marked by prominence of existential ideation.
six years spent in lugubrious celebration of this day.

1 comment:

  1. jeez. how long did it take u to write this masterpiece? If I could live in your blog I would climb to the top and slide down, over and over again...
