Friday, February 13, 2009


when i was a kid, my brother and i would got to my aunt's house to hang out with our cousin and watch slasher films. needless to say, our favorite was Friday the 13th and we would run around all night in our pajamas, hopped up on Coca-Cola, nachos, and fear. my cousin and i would terrorize my younger brother by chanting over and over again "Jason, Malachi, Jason, Malachi, Jason, Malachi..."

one time our uncle, who was scary in his own right, came to the sliding glass door dressed in a hockey mask and brandishing a machete. he tapped on the window, and we ran terrified into various nooks and crannies while my aunt prepared to yell at him for scaring us. but this is beside the point.

the point is that some lame remake comes out today, and it has me remembering those childhood days, thinking about hidden histories and modern fairy tales and the enduring myth of the menacing woodsman.

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