Wednesday, July 8, 2009

recent arrivals

i returned from Boston this afternoon just ahead of the rain, and Jache picked me up at the airport. there was a gallon of iced tea in the back floorboard, and the stale smell of cigarettes mingled with the conversation on the ride home.

i heard him recount my very own life,
i kept my mouth shut for a change.

the trip served as a coda to the experiment i ran yesterday afternoon in Cambridge, stacking nostalgias one on top of the other until the veneer of melancholy began to splinter under their weight. they came crashing together sometime after 6pm in a Church Street tea house, sipping chai and staring at The New York Times. i saw the potential for a new form emerge from a trite meditation on the nature of war, but this is beside the point.

the point is that last night i wrote of these things to my yin, who is currently preparing to take residence in a Vancouver basement. putting words to my vision allowed me to recognize and develop the ideas in a more nuanced manner than i might have otherwise, and this is the gift promising to emerge from her absence.

time will tell...

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