Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Take Off Your Sunglasses"

i've got this song stuck in my head:

and it's damn near driving me crazy. pleasantly crazy, but crazy nonetheless.
the singer says:

i don't need to think about

things i don't wanna think about

(in the middle of the night)

and in the middle of the day

i don't wanna think about

things i don't wanna think about

(in the middle of the night)

and i knew how he felt when i woke up at 3:45 this morning wide awake without reason or cause. i read Dostoevsky. i meditated. i downloaded pictures from India:

my yin in front of the Taj Mahal

i tried to fall back sleep and failed. i made coffee and journaled. i wrote short sentences. i wished i felt like writing my thesis but didn't.

i did not have this conference stuck in my head:

art for the University of Florida's "Film & Philosophy" Conference

but i will ten days from now, when i travel to Gainesville for the first time in i don't know how long. more than five years, less than ten. it's hard to tell sometimes if five is more or less than ten – the numbing mumble of numbers crumbling.

(Est-ce de la mémoire ou du temps,
dont on écoute dans la nuit?)


there is no end to the things i don't need to think about in the middle of the night, but that has nothing to do with the things that are thought about in the middle of the night. (i don't wanna think about it. i don't wanna think about it.) i don't wanna think about the things i don't need to think about in the middle of the night.




  1. "it's hard to tell sometimes if five is more or less than ten – the numbing mumble of numbers crumbling."- I feel this. And the rest of it too, but especially this.

    What a great pic from India! (:

    p.s. I spent much of last night craving Boma, particularly the corn and spinach pudding.

  2. i, too, miss the Disney-ed simulacrum of African cuisine and look forward to trying my hand at that delicious butternut squash soup when time permits.

    the corn and spinach pudding, on the other hand, was an abomination against goddess and gods alike...
