Wednesday, December 23, 2009

obsevation(of)reflection(on)the(shortest day of the)year

two days ago my yin and i observed the solstice, and this year's ritual was surrounded by substantially less drama than that of last December. our ceremony included frankincense and mantra, prayer and a makeshift cup of holy water, and afterward we traveled west to a belated Chanukah dinner. latkes and drunkenness ensued, and i left some what drained.

but this is beside the point.

the point is that this year is the first time i celebrated with another person, and it was amazing to sit in front of our altar, rearranging its constituent parts into something that held meaning for both of us. it's simpler now, less messy, less rigidly symmetrical, and i like to believe that the constellation which emerged somehow foretells the year that lie ahead.
time will tell.

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