Monday, April 27, 2009

yesterday morning

yesterday morning's breakfast was brought to the brink of urination by means of laughter and madness. it started innocently enough...

we were eating yogurt poolside with ample portions delicious mango, homemade cinnamon granola, fresh blackberries, organic bananas, and a single orphaned strawberry whose deep rouge added a little panache to the mélange.

(oui, mon examen de français était hier)

this idyllic petit déjeuner nearly came to halt, however, when our next door neighbor waved at us as she was leaving, calling out to (the one who is never mentioned but always there),

"Bye Mark!"
and then to me,
"Bye Mark's friend!"
and then correcting,

(mon nom n'est pas Brad)

i know (the one who is never mentioned but always there) by at least two names, but neither of them are Mark, and we spent the next several minutes in hysterical convulsions, thinking about our neighbor karma, and grabbing our crotches in an attempt to coerce the obedience of bladders.

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