The Vaccine

Two hours awake
two hours sleeping
two days waiting
– the joys of parenthood
do not include
warding off pertussis
or diphtheria.
Every two months
the dreams of Jonas
colonize my own.

The Chair

Two mornings each week
after the diaper and the toys and the dancing
we find ourselves upstairs in the rocking chair
and she sleeps gently in my arms.

Each time she grows imperceptibly older
daily changes invisible 

We rock, we rock, we rock...

Tears come as I realize that these days are numbered
that already more have passed than are to come.

One day we will watch pridefully
as she matures and grows and becomes
the "herself" she was born to be.

But these napping Monday mornings
have already cast their gossamer over the days ahead
the thin blanket of the past keeping us warm

 as we hurtle hopelessly into the night.